A television documentary series in four parts
about Native Alaska produced by Channel 6 Television Denmark
The Native peoples of the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions share a common fate - the gradual erosion of their ancestral lands and traditional way of life by colonization, assimilation and the exploitation of their sovereignty and natural resources by outsiders. Though citizens of the United States, Alaska's Natives retain a legitimate claim to their own nationality and sovereignty based on their use and occupation of their lands for thousands of years.
"Native Experience" is the story of the colonization and industrialization of Native Alaska - told in particular through the words and experience of Alaska's Inuit - a story which began in the 19th century with the arrival of Russian fur-traders, American missionaries, gold-digger, homesteaders and Yankee whalers, and which led to Alaska's Statehood in 1959, the discovery of  the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in 1967 and Native Alaska's fight for the land.
With the enactment in 1971 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the US Congress opened the door for the development of Alaska's oil and mineral resources, sealing the fate of Native Alaska. ANCSA extinguished - at least under US law - all future Native claims to the land, and shaping the future social, cultural and economic development of Alaska's Native communities. The Settlement Act would have far reaching consequences for Native Alaska.
Today - three decades later - Native Alaska is still working to adapt to the changes which ANCSA brought, and to restore, enhance and protect the Alaska's traditional cultures and ways of life - in the face of industrial development and a growing cash economy - for Alaska's Natives, the fight of their forefathers to protect their language, culture and traditions continues.
"Native Experience" is their story.

This four part documentary series was filmed on location in Alaska over a two year period working closely with Native communities and Native organizations, to provide a comprehensive history of modern industrial, economic and social development seen from the perspective of Native Alaska. This is probably the last documentary series about this subject that features many of the key people who were a part of the fight for the land in the late 60's and early 70's, and who experienced at first-hand Native Alaska's transition from a subsistence culture to a modern industrial society.

This website has been created to promote the Native Experience series to broadcasters, educational and institutional establishments, Native organizations and other cultural institutions. The producers are keen to promote its distribution and exhibition in public-service television, educational and cultural applications, and in particular in Alaska and amongst Native communities in the English, Danish and Inuit speaking regions of the world.

For further details, please contact the "Native Experience" production team at  Channel 6 Television Denmark.
  Latest update: 19/11/2009 16:41AR

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